Ronald van Heerwaarden

Ronald van Heerwaarden studied medicine at the Free University in Amsterdam and finished his residencies in orthopaedic surgery at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. He headed the Limb Reconstruction Center and the Limb Deformity Reconstruction Units of the Sint MaartensClinics in the Netherlands for 13 years until end of 2015. He has been working as a consultant for osteotomies in the International Knee and joint Centre in Abu Dhabi since end of 2015 and in 2016 he moved to the new Centre for Deformity Correction and Joint Preserving Surgery in Kliniek ViaSana, Mill, the Netherlands.

He was appointed Chairman of the ESSKA Osteotomy Committee in February 2016.

In the past decade, until August 2014, he was a member of the AO Knee expert group which is responsible for development of new osteotomy techniques, osteotomy instruments (e.g. sawguides) and the TomoFix plates. He was co-editor and author of 4 Osteotomy books, and published more than 100 articles on osteotomies and joint preservation. He has been an invited speaker at osteotomy meetings all over the world. At the 3rd Lovisenberg Osteotomy Course DrĀ  van Heerwaarden will present an update on latest in osteotomies and what we know now, He will also lecture on osteotomies combined with total knee prostheses.